Developing Music
Each half term we choose one 'driver' subject we wish to focus on to develop. This half term we are focusing on music. As our talented music lead Mrs Barnes has been modelling lessons for staff to support their development and help improve the quality of music across school.
Year One Study Claire Harrup
Boccia Competition
Our fabulous KS2 Boccia team finsihed 5th today in a competiton held at All Seasons Leaisure Centre . We are so proud of the children who took part with it being their first competition experiece. It was so lovely to hear the children so prud of their first medal and wanting to participate in more furture events. Well done....we are proud of you!
Year One Gymnastics
Year one have started their gymnastic sessions with the School Sports Partnership. They have been learning different ways of travelling and different jumps. Next week we will be learning a range of rolls.
Acorn Room - Potato Art
Anglo-Saxon Workshop for Year 5 and 6
Today Year 5 and 6 took part in a Anglo-Saxon workshop.
Outdoor Learning
It's not often we get snow so we made the most of the weather change to inspire our learning! Key Stage 1 and reception pupils used the weather to inspire their science learning thinking about different seasons as well as melting and freezing whilst Key Stage 2 focused on teambuilding through different areas of the curriculum including maths, science and technology.
Y2 Christingle Service at Trinity Methodist Church
Y2 attended Trinity Methodist Church for their Christingle Service.
Choir visit to Gillibrand Hall
The school choir visited Gillibrand Hall to sing a selection of Christmas songs.
Year 5 and 6 DT projects
This half term Year 6 and Year 5 have completed their DT projects. Year 6 have been designing and making their own bridges. They initially made a prototype following their design criteria. Their final product was achieved using spaghetti and I have to say the pupils all showed perseverance especially when they kept falling down! Year 5 used their Anglo-Saxon topic to design and make a bag. Again the year 5's all showed perseverance and self belief with their sewing, especially learning new stitches such as blanket and chain stitch. Well done to all of Year 6 and Year 5 for your patience and kindness to others as you completed your DT journey...It wasn't easy! {gallery-slideshow:Year 5 and 6 DT projects}
Gillibrand Choir sing at Eaves Green Christmas Community Event
Our school choir attended the Eaves Green Community Christmas event to sing for members of our local community.