At Gillibrand Primary School, we take our equality and diversity responsibilities seriously and are focused on embedding these across the curriculum, alongside protecting children from discrimination and harrassment. We aim to teach children about the protected characteristics within our curriculum. 

Our school leader for equality matters is Mrs Clark

Our school governor for equality matters is Mrs Elizabeth Green

We also have an Equality Team in school who act as a sounding board for equality matters, for example when introducing or amending policies or procedures. The Equality team meets 3 times a year to ensure the objetcives are continuously reviews and that we continue to promote equality and diversity across our school community and through our school curriculum.

The team are:

Mrs H Clark (Headteacher),

Mrs Green (CoG)

Mr Boulter

Miss Mikailionyte 

Alice Warren (Family and Pupil Support Worker)



 Our Equality Policy includes objectives for 2025  - 2028


At Gillibrand, we ensure that our children grow up to be respectful citizens in modern, multi-cultural Britain. We recognise that our school population is mainly White British and ensure that our children develop the British value of tolerance of different faiths and beliefs to their own.

We teach the children explicitly through the PSHE curriculum about avoiding prejudice and stereotyping. Our English lead and PSHE lead work together to review the books and stories we use across school to ensure that they reflect diverse Britain.

The images that we use around school and across the curriculum reflect modern British society and the diversity reflected within our own school community.

We strive to be fully inclusive and promote equality and diverity in all we do.