Start of school day: 8.45am

(Children can come in to school from 8.35am  to allow a smooth transition)

Close of day: 3.15pm

Please note: All KS1 children must be collected by an adult. Children in Lower Key Stage 2 (years 3 and 4) may walk to the school gate with parental permission. Children in Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6), with parental permission, may go home alone or meet parents at the gate.  Parental permission forms are available from the office abd redistrupted every September.

Assembly Times:


9am: Whole School Vision and Values Assembly led by Mrs Clark or Mr Thomas


2.40pm: Whole School singing assembly led by our music subject lead


2.40pm: Key Stage Assemblies linked to British Values led by Key Stage Leaders


9am - 9.30pm: Whole School Celebration Assembly (parents of children revceiving certificates are given priot notice and invited to attend)


Morning Break: 10.30-10.45 am

Lunchtime: 12 noon-1.00pm

Afternoon: No break