28 September 2018

Human and physical features

Year 4 have been learning about human and physical features in geography.  Today we went into the school grounds and took photos of each type of feature. 

We then used Digimap to plot them on a map of the school grounds.




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28 September 2018

Oak Class learn outdoors

This week Oak Class have enjoyed much of their learning outside as part of the whole school outdoor learning project. The children made their own kites to explore the forces at work on a very windy day. They have been enjoying the mud kitchen, making mud and digging for worms. We also had a music…

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28 September 2018

'The Great Outdoors'

Yesterday Year 3 went on their walk into the community to look at local water supplies. The weather was very kind to us and the children had lots of fun learning about rivers and being outdoors. We walked just over 2 miles and I was so proud of all the children during the walk. 

We then came…

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28 September 2018

Amazing Artwork

There has been some amazing artwork produced this week in all classes across school. 

I am very impressed with what the children have produced and also all the children’s learning and knowledge about Georges Seurat  in KS2. 

Well done! I think we have some budding artists in…

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28 September 2018

Handwriting Improvements

We've been working on improving our presentation and handwriting.  The children have been excited to see their own improvements.  Can you spot the difference in just four weeks?  

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26 September 2018

Egg-citing Science

This week we have been learning about forces and air resistance.  We enjoyed learning about the effects of air resistance through exploring parachutes.  We have planned our own investigations and made parachutes ready for our 'egg-citing' parachute launch. 


The children have been set the…

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26 September 2018

Pre-learning homework - Rivers

Have a look at the fantastic pre-learning work the children have brought into school linked to our topic of Rivers. 

We will be going on our walk tomorrow in the community. I wonder what we are going to see? 

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25 September 2018

Wonder in the Wonderful Outdoors

Today we have enjoyed reading our class text, Wonder by R.J. Palacio' , in the outdoor learning classroom and willow dome. 

We enjoyed the fresh air whilst finding out about Auggie's first day at Beecher Prep.  We are really enjoying reading the book and are looking forward to finding out…

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25 September 2018

Outdoor Perimeters

Year 5 have been busy enjoying the outdoors this week whilst learning about the perimeter of composite shapes. 

We used twigs to make composite shapes then measured them using a ruler, before calculating the perimeter.  We repeated the activity using Lego before making large rectilinear…

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25 September 2018

Outdoor Arty!

Linking our outdoor week and the art curriculum, the children have begun creating pictures using natural materials in preparation for our art exhibition on Friday.  Here is seek peek at today's artists in action.

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24 September 2018

Outdoor Learning week

Today has been the first day of outdoor week.

We started with a long multiplication treasure hunt. The class then started our school ‘walk to London’ challenge. We are aiming to walk a total of 224 miles over the next 2 weeks, which is the distance from school to Big Ben. A great start to our…

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24 September 2018

Amazing Artists


Over the last few weeks in Year 5, we have been busy exploring how to make different natural shades.  Inspired by Georges Seurat, we have focused on shades of blue and green, ready for our water reflection paintings that will feature in our Outdoor Art Exhibition. We are looking forward…

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