5 October 2018

Learning to Play the Ocarina

Today we have been practicing the ocarina. We have been learning to play ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’. 


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5 October 2018

Light - Shadows

This week, we have been learning about shadows in Year 3. The children were every excited to see that our classroom had become a dark room. The children worked in three groups and they had different objects, each of which, they had to measure the shadow from 2 metres away then 50cm. They used…

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5 October 2018

iPad Photography

The children in Y1 have been practising their photography skills and using the iPads to take photographs of unusual and interesting features of nature.



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5 October 2018

Walking in the community - Rivers

During 'Outdoor Weeks', Willow class got the opportunity to go on a walk in the community. We had amazing weather for our walk. We went into Copper Woods then walked around until we saw the River Chor and we did some field work based on the four points of the…

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5 October 2018

Year 6 Win The Speaking Competition

Well done to all of Year 6 for winning our school speaking competition! We wowed the judges with our plastic pollution poem. 

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4 October 2018

Oak Class prepare for Harvest

The children in Oak Class have been thinking about harvest time and Harvest Festival this week. After reading the story 'Stone Soup', the children wanted to make some soup of their own. We harvested some cabbage, carrots and beetroot from our own outdoor area and everyone brought in a vegetable…

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4 October 2018

Super Singing

Well done to all members of the choir. I was so impressed with your singing tonight especially The Greatest Showman songs. 

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4 October 2018

Outdoor Art

It was so lovely to see so many of our Oak Class parents at the outdoor art exhibition last Friday. The children really enjoyed creating their outdoor masterpieces using materials from nature. The children created leaf animals using natural materials and 'googly' eyes. As you can see they are…

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4 October 2018

iPad Photography

We have been using the iPads to photograph our lovely outdoor environment.  The children have been learning how to use the iPad to take photographs of interesting natural materials.

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2 October 2018

Area Outdoors

We had so much fun with maths outdoors last week, that this week we decided to do it all again! This time we calculated the area of the shapes using our knowledge of multiplication.

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28 September 2018

We're going on a Bear Hunt

The children have been enjoying retelling the story of We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Micheal Rosen. On Tuesday we went off on our very own bear hunt around the school grounds and were very excited to find one! We changed the ending of the story a little so that the bear didn't chase us but instead…

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28 September 2018

Human and physical features

Year 4 have been learning about human and physical features in geography.  Today we went into the school grounds and took photos of each type of feature. 

We then used Digimap to plot them on a map of the school grounds.




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