17 October 2018

Outdoor Perimeter

Year 4 went outside today and drew a variety of rectangles and squares of given measurements.  They then had to calculate the perimeter.  The children worked hard and made some very careful measurements.



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12 October 2018


After almost half a term of being taught some of the skills of judo - to pin our opponent down and to get out of a hold, Year 3 competed against each other in small groups. I have to say, they all performed well and each child gained a certificate. All the children showed that they had been…

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12 October 2018

Harvest Festival

It was a shame that, after all our preparations, hard work and practising we were unable to go to the church to celebrate our Harvest Festival with parents/carers. The weather made it unsafe for us to walk to the church but we were still able to go ahead with our Harvest Festival celebration in…

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12 October 2018

Harvest Festival 2018

Unfortunately, due to the adverse weather conditions we are having at the moment, we were unable to celebrate the Harvest Festival at church, as planned.  However, the celebrations still went ahead in school.  The children in Y1 put in a fantastic performance, retelling the story of 'The Little…

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12 October 2018

The Pea and the Princess

This week in Year 2 we have started a new book called ‘The Pea and the Princess’, a twist on the traditional tale ‘The Princess and the Pea’. We started by making predictions on what we think will happen in the story by looking at objects from the book; a crown, a pea pod, a pea and a…

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12 October 2018

Bike Ability

Well done to all of our Year 6 pupils who completed their bike ability course this week.

They loved it and learnt lots of ways to stay safer on the road. I’m so proud of you all! If you wish to now cycle to and from school, please pick up a permission letter from the office. 

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12 October 2018

Harvest Gifts

Thank you for your kind donations for our harvest celebration today. 

Unfortunately we were unable to go to church due to the weather, however our harvest went ahead in school. Pat from Living Waters thanked the children for all their kind donations as they will help a lot of needy families in…

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12 October 2018

Oobleck in Year 4

Year 4 had great fun making oobleck. 

They mixed together cornflour and water.  Once mixed, it behaved in a very strange way.  This mixture is known as a Non Newtonian fluid.  See what else you can find out about this fascinating fluid!


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9 October 2018


After almost half a term of being taught some of the skills of judo - to pin our opponent down and to get out of a hold, Year 4 competed against each other in small groups. I have to say, they all performed well and each child gained a certificate. All the children showed that they had been…

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5 October 2018

Flying Gorillas Visit!

A big thank you to the Flying Gorillas company who visited school today. Our children got to listen to such a wide range of instruments and music from different countries. Their amazing behaviour and attitude to learning impressed all members of the Flying Gorillas. I was very proud of all the…

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5 October 2018

Flying Gorillas Workshop - Year 5


Today the whole school enjoyed watching the ‘Flying Gorillas’ music and dance workshop.

I have never seen Year 5 sit so quietly as they did when listening to music played on the cello and the violin.

The children also got to see a range of acting performed to the…

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5 October 2018

Holly Class Outdoor Learning

Over the past two weeks, Year 2 have loved learning outdoors. We have covered lots of areas of the curriculum by learning outside, from role playing Little Red Riding Hood using the outdoor classroom, investigating outdoor materials and producing some fantastic outdoor art. We also learned and…

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