23 September 2018

Lovely Words

What lovely words from parents of one of our new reception children. This made me smile. 

"Hi Mrs O'Hanlon, we just wanted to say thank you for the last two weeks. Our child says he loves school one million two hundred and thirty! That is a lot, we are so pleased he is enjoying school so…

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21 September 2018

Times Table Rock Stars

Well done to Gabriel and Kami for completing all their Times Table Rockstar games this week. Who is going to be at the top of the leader board next week?

Don’t forget to log in and complete the games and challenges.

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21 September 2018

Self Portraits

We have been busy this week creating self portraits.  We used a mirror to look carefully at our features and draw them onto the paper.  We learned about how to use our pencils to create thick and thin lines and long and short lines.

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21 September 2018

Plastic Pollution

This week we have started learning about plastic pollution and how this is affecting our environment.

Next week will continue with this theme along with our outdoor weeks. Don't forget your wellies! 

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21 September 2018

States of Matter

Year 4 have started learning about states of matter in science. 

We have been learning about how the different particles behave in the 3  states.  We acted out these to show our understanding.


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21 September 2018

Headteacher’s Award

Well done Oliver who was awarded my Headteacher's Award in assembly today.

You have shown perseverance and determination. 

I am very proud of you. 

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20 September 2018

Hockey Skills in Year 6

Today the pupils were taught how to hold their hockey sticks to dribble, push the ball and to stop the ball.

By the end of the session some of the pupils were able to tackle their opponent and get the ball. 

Look at our action shots.


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19 September 2018

Outdoor Club

Jane is very impressed and proud of all the Year 3 children who are attending her Outdoor Club. She has described them as “ environmental superheroes!” Keep up the good work. 

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17 September 2018

School Council

The results are in! This year’s school council representatives are Amelia and Joseph! Well done, 

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14 September 2018

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


It has been a busy two weeks in Year 5.  All the children have settled in well and have enjoyed learning about the famous french artist Georges Seurat.  Today they worked hard to write a biography on Georges Seurat using their new knowledge of relative…

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14 September 2018

First days

Our brand new Reception class have enjoyed their first few days at school. They are settling into our routine and making new friends. Have a look at some of the fun things they have been enjoying this week. 


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14 September 2018

Samba Comes To Y6

Today was our first session of samba drumming! The children loved exploring the instruments and we completed our first piece of music playing the 'Name Samba'. We can't wait for our next session. 

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