11 May 2018

Sewing Skills

Year 5 have been practising their sewing skills.  They have learnt running and back stitch so far.  Next we are moving on to cross stitch.


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11 May 2018

DT - Drawbridges

In class this week, we have been learning all about pulley systems.  We explored different pulley systems, designed and created our own drawbridge.

Here are some photographs of our pulley operated drawbridges.

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11 May 2018

Walking morning - Comparing areas in Chorley.

WWBBA: Fieldwork - Mapping

S.C: I can use fieldwork to observe and record the human and physical features in the local area. 

I can record geographical information using a range of methods including, sketch maps, plans and digital technology. 

Yesterday, Silver Birch Class went on a walk…

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11 May 2018

Investigating plants!

This week in Science, Year 3 have been learning why different plants need different amounts of water, heat and light. To understand this, we are going to investigate it by planting seeds in different conditions. Some of the seeds are outside where they will have access to light, heat and water and…

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11 May 2018

Rakshan Bandham

In RE we have been learning about the Hindu celebration of Rakshan Bandham. The celebration is all about family, love and unity and Hindus give each other Rakhi bracelets as a gift to symbolise the love they have for each other. We made our own Rakhi bracelets using wool and card.


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11 May 2018

To our amazing Year sixes

To our amazing Year Sixes,

Over the past few weeks (okay, possibly months), you have put a lot of effort into preparation for your SATs. You will nail them! We know you will.

At the moment, you’ve been doing lots of English and Maths, but we all know that you’ve all got lots of other skills.…

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10 May 2018

Year 6 SATS

Our Year 6 children have worked very hard preparing for their SATS. 

I am very proud of them all as they are all amazing children and have achieved great things in their time at Gillibrand. 



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4 May 2018

Rosie the Tortoise visits Reception Class

Reception Class were visited by Miss Hesketh's pet tortoise Rosie this week. It was an an exciting opportunity to observe, feed and learn about tortoises and the children loved the experience. They were interested to find out that tortoises are a very ancient type of animal and that they have many…

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4 May 2018


This week, we have been learning all about Ganesh and what he represents.  He represents power, strength and the overcoming of barriers.


The children used plastercine to make models of Ganesh, here are some of the models.

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4 May 2018

Science experiment

This term we have been looking at plants and what they need to grow. After planting our own seeds for the garden areas around school, we thought that we would complete an experiment to find out which liquid would be the best to water the plants with:

Water, salt water, orange juice, cola,…

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4 May 2018

RE and DT in year 4

Our RE topic in year 4 at the moment is Hinduism.  

We linked DT and RE together by practising textiling techniques, and have learnt how to complete a cross sticth and a running stitch. 

We then created a Rangoli pattern using the techniques, which is used in the Hindu faith. 

Have a look…

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4 May 2018

Reproduction in plants - Year 5

Year 5 have been looking at the reproductive process in flowers.  They spent time dissecting lillies and tulips. They had to identify the different reproductive parts and describe their function.

Mrs Kerfoot, our Science link governor, came in to help.  She was very impressed by the children's…

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