18 May 2018

Royal Wedding Picnic

Here we are at our 'Royal Wedding Picnic' to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

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18 May 2018

Welcome to our new Gillibrand residents

Nesting Birds

A family of blue tits have moved into our nesting boxes. Look out on the infant yard for the mother bringing food for her little ones. A big thank you to the children who made these last year. Let's hope that next year we have even more birds using them!

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18 May 2018

Well done Year 6!

Well done to all the amazing Year 6 children who have worked so hard all week. They deserved their party today!

I am so proud of you all.

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18 May 2018

Story Teller

Story Teller in Year Two


This term we have been joined by Mr Banks who has been reading the story of ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’.

Today was our final instalment of the story. The children have enjoyed listening to the story on a Friday afternoon.

Thank you Mr Banks for giving up your…

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18 May 2018

Celebrating the royal wedding!

In preparation for the royal wedding, Y5 made flower sculptures and researched royal weddings.  

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18 May 2018

Celebrating the Royal Wedding!

In Year 3, to celebrate the royal wedding, we have been creating wedding invitations. We used the PicCollage app on the iPads to combine text and graphics to produce the invites. Some of our invitations are below, we think Harry and Meghan will be delighted by them!


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15 May 2018

Virtual competition in Year Two

This afternoon the children took part in a virtual sports competition with Mrs Smith. We had 5 groups competing against each other in various throwing and running activities. All the pupils who took part tried their best to win but in the end TEAM BOLT won overall. Well done to everyone that took…

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15 May 2018

Story Telling

Thank you to Macie, Alissa, Noah and Oliver for sharing a dinosaur story with me today in the sunshine!

We loved sitting on the logs inside the willow dome!

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12 May 2018

Headteacher's Award

Well done to all 17 members of the choir, who were all awarded my Headteacher's Award this week.

They represented the school so well at the Mayor's Charity Concert on Thursday night at the town hall.

I am very proud of you all.


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11 May 2018

Year Two's Science experiment

Our experiment was to find: Which liquid will be the best to water our plants?

We used: coke, orange, tea, coffee, water, salt water, oil, Ribena and milk.

We all made predictions but did they come true?

We found that salt water was the worst liquid to use as the cress did not grow and we…

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11 May 2018

Learning afternoon in Oak Class

Thank you to all the parents who were able to come along to our learning afternoon on Tuesday of this week. It was fantastic to see so many of you there and to see everyone getting involved with such enthusiasm! I hope you enjoyed the afternoon and gained an insight into the PE learning your child…

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11 May 2018

Year Two's Hindu Visit

Today Year two visited the Hindu Temple in Preston. Year Two have been looking at Puja and the many different Gods and Goddesses within the Hindu religion.

What an amazing place to visit!  We looked at the different shrines within the temple, the paintings and freezes of all the Gods and…

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