20 April 2018

French in Year 6

Friday afternoon became French afternoon for Year 6 this week. Mrs O'Hanlon loved speaking to the pupils in French this afternoon and wanted to say "Well done on being so brave and having a go!" 

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20 April 2018

Dinosaur discovery in Reception Class

Take a look at all the exciting learning happening in Reception Class this term! The children are really enjoying our new Dinosaur theme. 

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20 April 2018

Learning about 'texture' and 'tempo' in music.

Today Year 3 have been learning about tempo and texture in music. Children listened to the Coldplay song ‘Sky full of Stars’ and discussed the different instruments we could hear in the song and how together they created texture. Then we discussed what tempo and made out own beats using different…

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20 April 2018

Reading Champions - Year 5

Image result for reading


We have had a lot of Reading Champions in Year 5 this week.  Well done to all the children who have read sections of their favourite stories to the rest of class.

Some more children have already volunteered for next week.

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20 April 2018

RE in Year 2

It was lovely to see Year 10 students and teachers from Parklands in school this week, working with our Year 2 children to teach them more about Christianity and other religions.

It was a very practical afternoon, with a range of activites which the pupils from Parklands had planned…

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20 April 2018

DT- Textiles

WWBBA: Textiles

S.C: I can understand a need for seam allowance. 

This week in Silver Birch Class we have been involved in some DT work, with the focus on looking at a line stitch/running stitch. Using wool, needles and material we praticed this skill.

Well done to Amy. She tried so hard…

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20 April 2018

Dragon Eggs

There have been strange eggs found in our garden area.  Have we had a visit from a dragon?

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18 April 2018

RE Workshop

This afternoon Year Two were visited by some of the RE champions form Parklands to take part in an RE workshop. They had 6 stations and each station looked at different aspects of Christianity and other religions. The students planned activities that really engaged the children and all that took…

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15 April 2018

The Dinosaurs have arrived!

The summer term kicked off in exciting fashion with the arrival of some mysterious eggs in our classroom one lunchtime. Who had laid these mysterious eggs? Would they hatch out? What would hatch out of them? 

The children suggested some imaginative and interesting possible answers to these…

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13 April 2018

Reading Champions Year Two

Our reading champions this week have been James and Mia. They have shared with us their faviourte books and explained why  these books are their favourite. 

I can't wait to see what the children bring in next week. 


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13 April 2018

Dragon Eggs in Year Two

This week Year Two recieved a rather unusaul package. It was quite large with the words BEWARE on the sides of the box. 

"What could be inside?" asked the pupils. We carefully started to open the package and to our surpise we saw two scaly eggs. 

"Where did they come from?" questioned the…

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13 April 2018

Welcome Back To School!

Welcome back to all the Year 6 pupils. I hope you have all had an enjoyable Easter Break and are ready to start the final term. We have a lot to do this term but also an awful lot to look forward to. 

Let's enjoy our last term! 

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