9 June 2018

French Days

Well done to all of the KS2 children and staff.

I was very impressed with all the amazing learning during the French Days, and I especially enjoyed listening to them all singing Frere Jacques in a round, accompanied by a range of percussion instruments.

Well done.


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9 June 2018

Mile Track

Our new daily mile track was installed over the holiday and the Year 1 and Year 2 children couldn't wait to use it on Friday!

Nine  laps of the track equals one mile.

I am sure it will be of great benefit to the whole school, especially in the winter months, when we will all still be able to…

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8 June 2018

Music in Year Two

Year Two have been learning "The Muffin Man" in our music lessons. We started singing the song in order to learn the rhythm and beat before we started to learn to play the song on the ocarina. 



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8 June 2018

First Steps...

...on our new 'Mile Track'!

We have had a new 'Mile Track' built at school.  Nine laps of the track total one mile and we aim to promote the health of our children by walking the mile track two or three times each week.  Today was the first day we could use the track and we went out this…

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8 June 2018

Mile Track - Year 2

Today, Year 2 were the first to try our the new mile track on the field. They walked the nine laps that equalled a mile. The challenge now is to see how many miles we can accumulate from now until the summer holidays.

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8 June 2018

DeeCee's Blues

In music this week, we have been played 'DeeCee's Blues' and concentrating on playing the notes C and D in a tune.  

Here are some photographs of use proudly playing our glockenspiels!

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25 May 2018

Headteacher's Award

Well done to Jamie!

You are a superstar and make me very proud with your positive attitude.


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24 May 2018

The Royal Wedding in Reception Class

What an amazing afternoon we had celebrating our very own version of the Royal Wedding in Reception class. Here are a few photos of the wedding, the parade and the wedding reception. We all had so much fun as you can probably tell from the photographs!


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24 May 2018

Planting in the KS1 area


After walking around the KS1 area, Year 2 thought that they could brighten up the area with more flowering plants so they brought in a variety of bulbs and seeds to grow.

To enhance our outdoor areas, Year 2 have been planting a variety of bulbs and seeds as part of the science topic,…

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23 May 2018

Copper Woods Walk

Last week, Year 4 made the most of the weather and went on our second walk in the community to Copper Woods. This was a very different walk from the one we did last week. 

The children really enjoyed this walk, they liked experiencing the natural environent and looking for physical features in…

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20 May 2018

Sun Safety

Don’t forget to send your children to school with water and a hat if possible and also slap on lots of sun cream too. It’s going to be warm and sunny all week according to my weather app! 

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18 May 2018

Post SATs Fun!!!

A huge well done to all our amazing Year 6 children! You made us very proud this week giving your absolute all in the tests but now they are over, let's have some fun!

We've completed an orienteering course, celebrated the royal wedding, watched the Reception class wedding and had a…

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