1 December 2017

Healthy Lifestyles in Year 5

Year 5 have  started their sessions with Mrs Smith on healthy lifestyles. 

This week the children learnt about the different food groups and how they help our bodies in different ways. 

Next week we will be looking at the sugar content in different foods.


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28 November 2017

Emmeline Pankhurst Comes to Life

After learning about Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffragettes, we wrote speeches as if we were Emmeline.

On the new IPads, we created a ‘Morfo’ using Emmeline’s photograph and made her speak. The children really enjoyed doing this and loved to watch the 3D Emmeline move and speak showing her…

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27 November 2017

Soil Samples!

In science today we gathered a range of soil samples from the school fields then used magnifying glasses to examine them and decide what soil is made from.  



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26 November 2017

A visit from our local PCSO

Reception class were very excited this week to have a visit from our local Police Community Support Officer.

We have being learning about people who help us in school and in our community. PCSO Dawson showed the children his special uniform and explained how he helps to keep to people in our…

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25 November 2017

Naughty Elephants Squirt Water!


Holly Tree Class have been learning about compasses this week. We looked at the way in which compasses are used to help us to follow directions. Outside, we used some written directions to find the four main points on a compass rose. 

We even learnt a funny ditty to help us to remember the…

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24 November 2017

Electricity Day

Today in year 6, we have had a Science day run by Electricity North West called ‘Bright Sparks Electricity Day’. We have had lots of fun learning all about Electricity.


Today the children have learnt all about circuits. The children built a series of different electrical circuits using…

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24 November 2017

Staying Safe Online

This week, we have been learning about 'Staying Safe Online'.  Here are our 'TOP TIPS'

  • access the internet where an adult can see the screen
  • never give away personal details
  • be kind when communicating
  • if you do not know a person, there are a stranger
  • if something does not look or…
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24 November 2017


Image result for music notes


Year 5 have been practising their recorder skills this week.  They have been learning how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb.

Ask them for a rendition so they can show off their skills!

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24 November 2017

Science Workshops

A visitor came in to school for 2 days this week delivering science workshops to children in KS2.

She told me the following.

"Gillibrand is one of the best schools I have worked in!"

She then went on to say how welcoming all the staff and children are, how well behaved the children are…

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23 November 2017

Bright Sparks Electricity Day.

Today in year 4 we have had a Science day ran by Electricity North West called ‘Bright Sparks Electricity Day’. We have had lots of fun learning all about Electricity. 

Today the children have learnt all about different types of appliances that run on electricity. The children built a series of…

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23 November 2017

Woodland Trust Tree Planting

A huge thank you to our children who attend outdoor club. They have planted 60 saplings in our school grounds today.

We hope this will create an amzing woodland area in years to come where the children will be able to explore and find shade. 

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20 November 2017

Online Safety Meeting

Thank you to parents, friends and grandparents who attended the Online Safety meeting for parents tonight.

I hope you found it informative and useful.

For those who could not attend,we will be uploading more information for parents about online safety onto our website very soon.


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