8 December 2017

DT Christmas Challenge!

This week in school has been the DT Challenge Week!

Year 3 have been creating Christmas decorations. One of the Year 3 skills is to sew, leaving a seam allowance,so we did this by sewing star Christmas tree decorations. Although the children found the task very difficult, they were all very…

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8 December 2017

Christmas DT Challenge

We have had a fun filled week in Year 4 this week. 

In our DT Christmas challenge we linked our work to Science - Electricity and our RE topic Christianity - Jesus is the light of the world.

First the children designed and then made their own Christmas decoration. This could be for the…

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6 December 2017

Christmas Elf

He's here!

Father Christmas has sent one of his elves to visit our classroom each day. The children have named him 'Elfie' and he is causing havoc in our room and reporting back to Father Christmas each night.  This morning, he was swingin from the window blinds!  I wander where he will be…

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5 December 2017

Jesus is the light of the world

Today, we learnt about the importance of the Christingle celebration in the Christian faith.

As a class, we made our own Christingle which is made of an orange, a candle, a red ribbon and dried fruit and sweets on cocktail sticks. We found out the meaning of each part.

  1. The orange is the…
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4 December 2017

Year Three Singing!

In Topic this half term we are learning all about Queen Elizabeth II. As part of the topic we have been learning how to sing the national anthem; ‘God Save the Queen’ and ‘Rule Britannia!’ When singing we have been learning to have control and awareness of others whilst singing in a…

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3 December 2017

The Owl and the Pussycat

This half term the children have been sharing the poem, 'The Owl and the Pussycat,' by Edward Lear. They have thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning the poem and have produced some wonderful descriptive writing as well as creating their own version of the poem.

This week, the children recited…

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2 December 2017

Headteacher's Award

Well done to Cain. 

You always make me smile and you are such a polite little boy.

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1 December 2017

Learning Morning and Afternoon in Reception Class

Thank you so much to all the parents who were able to attend our learning morning and afternoon this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed showing parents around their classroom and sharing their learning.

We had a particular focus on technology this half-term and children were able to show…

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1 December 2017

Reception Class-visit from the police!

Here are the photos as promised of our visit from PCSO Dawson last week.

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1 December 2017

Pop Art!

This week in Year 3 we have been creating Pop Art images of the Queen, in the style of Andy Warhol. We created the images by ripping tissue paper and then we  made collage pictures using the shape of the Queen’s head. We are going to send the pictures we have made to the Queen, we hope she likes…

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1 December 2017

Chilli Children Trust

Chilli Children Trust is a Christian charity working to improve the lives of thousands of children in Uganda, Africa. We looked at items of clothing, jewelary and handmade items from Uganda as well as Ugandan money to get an insight into life in Uganda, Africa.

Here are the children exploring…

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1 December 2017

George Stevenson

After learning about George Stevenson and trains, we wrote historically valid questions that we would ask him.

On the new IPads, we created a ‘Morfo’ using George Stevenson’s photograph and made him speak. The children researched the questions they had asked and answered them as if they were…

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