What a fantastic, busy book week we have had!
We launched our week with a whole school assembly. In the assembly each class was assigned a famous person, who had left a lasting legacy in the world. Each class was given a ‘Little People…Big Dreams’ book about this person so they could learn all about them.
On Tuesday, the focus was reading in the community. Our amazing Year 6 children went to Gillibrand Hall to share books and stories with the residents there, they made the residents smile and laugh and definitely brightened their day through their stories, and Andrew in Year 6 even taught the residents to ‘fist-bump’ whilst Anya entertained them by showcasing their passion and interest of piano playing. In school we welcomed, Father Jordan, Revered Helen, Bishop McClure and Wilf to read to classes and share their stories. A huge thank you to the staff at Gillibrand Hall for their warm welcome and for those visitors in school for sharing their stories, community is a huge part of our school ethos and we loved visiting and welcoming such key community members.
On Wednesday we welcomed parents to school for reading workshops and activities! The school was abuzz with art and reading and fostering a love of books. Mrs Barnes showcased her passion for acting with an amazing ‘How to be a villain’ workshop, Mr Watts hosted a brilliant orienteering challenge using all the school grounds and making the most of the beautiful weather and Miss Watson worked with groups to create book related artwork for the library. Thank you to all the parents who joined us for the event.
On Thursday we raised money through a non-uniform day for our OPAL Play reading area. We will be using the money raised to buy an outdoor book exchange… more information about this to follow next week!
Please have a look at the gallery below for photos from our amazing week!