Reading Challenge
Reading Challenge
WOW...Just look at all the chilldren who have read 4 or more books since we started our challenge!
Everyone has been able to add leaves to our tree today. Well done Yr2! Let's see if we can add another two leaves next week from everyone.
Remember a leaf for every…
More Good Vibrations
Today we took part in a Science round robin afternoon for our topic of Sound and Hearing. We worked in groups rotating around different activities. All the activities got us investigating and thinking scientifically about how sounds are made and how we can change them. We found out lots of…
Good Vibrations
Year 4 have been enjoying their new Science topic all about Sound and Hearing. In class, we played a game where we had to listen to and identify everyday sounds. Some were easier than others and it made us think about how important our hearing is to us. We also had the chance to work with a…
Good vibrations
Year 4 have been enjoying their new Science topic all about Sound and Hearing. In class, we played a game where we had to listen to and identify everyday sounds. Some were easier than others and it made us think about how important our hearing is to us. We also had the chance to work with a…
A Great Start!
Year 5 have had a fantastic start to 2016. We are currently working really hard on our El Dorado project, which the children are finding great fun.
Just a quick reminder - PE is now on a Tuesday and Wedndesday. On Tuesdays the children will be completing outdoor activities, so will need warm…
Reading Challenge begins in Reception Class
We have welcomed parents into our classroom this week to launch our reading challenge.
Below are just a few photos from these events. More to follow next week....
Phonics and Reading in Year One
Here are some more of our photos from the launch of our Reading Challenge.
We know that reading is not just about phonics and learning to read words, it's also about understanding them too! We have loved reading with our parents. We have been looking at some cool books by the author Julia…
Reading Challenge
Reading Challenge in Year Two
Here are some more of the photographs from the launch of our reading challenge. Year Two have enjoyed having their parents come into class this week.
Thank you to all parents who came into class this week to find out more about our reading…
Christmas activities in Year 1
Even though 2016 is well under way we thought we would add a few photographs from the last week of term when we had lots of Christmas fun.
Not only did we have a fabulous Christmas party and lunch; we also created Christmas cards and 2016 Calendars. We used finger art to create a display of…
Dragon Eggs Year Two
Friday 15th January
This week Year Two discovered a basket in the playground. What could be in it?
Joshua and Cordelia bravely opened the basket and found hidden in the bottom two mysterious eggs. Who has left Year Two these "eggciting" objects?
Here are some of the pictures we took…
Reading Challenge Launch in Year 1
It has been a book-filled week in Year 1!
The challenge has been set and Year 1 are reading lots!
We have been looking at our favourite books, sharing traditional tales with one another and reading with our mums and dads. We can't wait to see who will be the first person to get a bronze…
Welcome back!
Happy new year to everyone from all in Year 6! We have all settled back now into our class after the Christmas break and are ready for our new learning challenges. This week we will be starting our new Geography topic: 'Location, Location, Location!' where we will be studying North and South…