9 March 2016

Times Tables Champions

Just look at all the children who have reached the top of our times tables ladder.  They all know their times tables facts up to 12 x 12, as well as the associated division facts.  Well done!  Some children are very close to reaching the top of our ladder, so keep up the hard…

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9 March 2016

Parklands Science Buskers

Last Friday some Year 8 & 9 pupils from Parklands came and worked with our class.

 They worked with the children on a range of sound investigations.  By the end of the afternoon, all the children had made their own instrument.  It was great fun, if a little noisy!


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8 March 2016

très bon

Year 4 love their French lessons!

Today they all used the laptops to listen to French, read French words and sentences and even spell words in French!

It was a very quiet lesson, as they all had their headphones on, but the children can now say the names of different countries in…

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4 March 2016

Book Week

The children have been involved in all sorts of activities to celebrate Book Week this week. The whole school composed a story together.

Reception started the story and each class added to it. Year 6 edited the story and read it out in celebration assembly on Friday.

The children in year 4…

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4 March 2016

World Book Day (or week) in Year 1

WOW! What a great week we have had celebrating our love of books and reading in Year 1! Our focus this week has been on books containing monsters. We have read 'The Gruffalo' and 'The Gruffalo's Child' and learnt some great songs too! In English we have been writing descriptions of the Gruffalo…

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4 March 2016

Book Week

Year 5 have had a fun filled week.  They have been involved in a wide range of activities throughout the week, including:

A book scavenger hunt

Reading with parents on Bedtime Story Day

Linking maths to reading by creating graphs about the frequency of letters on the page of a…

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4 March 2016

Southlands Quiz

Well done to all the year six children who took part in the Southlands quiz! We won the runner up trophy for our general knowledge. 

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4 March 2016

World Book Week

World Book Week has been a fantastic experience for Year 2 this year. 

We started it off on Monday with our part of the whole school story, which was passed from class to class to add to it. When it reached Year Six they had the task of editing it. The finished version was read out to the…

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3 March 2016

World Book Day

This week we have gone book crazy! We have had lots of fun reading and doing activities around books. We started by creating our own new characters, out of plastercine, for our class novel Journey to the River Sea. We have also looked at the themes of our favourite books, drawn characters from…

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3 March 2016

World Book Week!


This week we have been celebrating World Book Week. We have completed activities in class including designing our own book covers and activities related to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory; our current Book Games book. Today has been World Book Day and to celebrate children came to…

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26 February 2016

Astley Hall

Visit to Astley Hall

Year Two enjoyed their visit to Astley Hall this week as part of their history topic: Homes in the past. Year Two's focus was how technology has changed over time and how people have been affected by it. We found out lots of information about how the people lived. We…

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26 February 2016

The Book Games!

Every class in KS2 is running a competition called The Book Games.

Throughout the year we are reading different stories as a class.  After reading two books, a winner is chosen.  In the Autumn Term Year 3 read The Fantastic Mr Fox and Flat Stanley. Fantastic Mr Fox was chosen as the winner!

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