Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to year six! We have had a wonderful start to our last year at Gillibrand! This week all pupils have settled in well with many children earning a pen licence in their first week! Well done!
Perfect Pointillism!
In Year 3 we have been studying an artist called Georges Seurat. He created a painting technique called ‘Pointillism’ which uses lots of tiny dots to create a picture. Seurat painted outdoor landscapes and famous Parisian landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower. Year 3 are going to be using…
Times Tables Rock Stars
All the children in Year 4 now have a user name and password to log on to
Times Tables Rock Stars. We want the children to be fluent in all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
Times Tables Rock Stars will help the children to learn these facts.
This week there will…
A Great Start to Year 4!
All the children in Year 4 have enjoyed their first week back in Silver Birch Class.
Lots of Dojo points have been awarded and we are very pleased with all of the children's attitude and behaviour.
It's going to be a busy and exciting term ahead, with lots of things planned for the…
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to school everyone!
All the children are looking so smart in their uniforms and ready to start what promises to be an exciting term.
This year we intend to use our wonderful grounds and do more learning outdoors.
We are launching this initiative with Outdoor Weeks, beginning…
Year six final day
Good luck for the future! You have worked very hard and made us all proud! Enjoy your summer holidays and good luck at high school.
Tramp2Lean party
For the end of year reward, we went to Tramp2Lean in Leyland. It was very energetic but fun!
Hope you all enjoyed it!
End of Term
Here's hoping that the sun shines!
I wish you all a happy holiday and that you come back refreshed to start a new exciting year!
Final rounders game
After learning skills of fielding and striking over the last few weeks, we finished our lessons with a full game. Well done to all year 6! A great game!
The Worlds's Worst Children!
This week in English we have been taking inspiration from David Walliams’ new book; The World’s Worst Children; the book is about different children and their unusual personalities and disgusting habits such as ‘Nigel the Nit-Boy’, ‘Grubby Gertrude’ and ‘Dribbling Drew’! As well as reading the…
Murder Mystery Day
On Thursday Year 5 visited Southlands for a murder mystery day. At the beginning of the day the scene was set through a short piece of drama. Unfortunately a young lady by the name of Ivonna Beadored was murdered on the beach in Mexico!
It was up to the children to use their detective skills…
Astley Park Picnic in Reception Class
What a fantastic day we had at Astley Park on Friday. The weather held off just enough for us to enjoy a range of exciting and fun activities in the park. The children took part in woodland walks, playground adventures, sports and parachute games and were able to hold and stroke the animals in…