12 May 2017

Year Two Investigation


Year Two’s Science Investigation

Today Year Two decided that they would like to know what would happen to a plant if it was placed in the dark. We all predicted what might happen.

Jake thinks- “ It will die.”

We placed 1 pot in the sun and watered it and placed an identical pot in…

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10 May 2017

Porky's Super Finger Adventure

Year 4 have just finished reading their class novel , "The 13-Storey Treehouse"  by Andy Griffiths.

Isaac and Fran have enjoyed this story so much that, in their own time at home, they have created their own story about Superfinger, one of the characters from the book. 

Today the boys read…

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10 May 2017

Reading Challenge

Well done to Isaac in Year 4. 

He has been busy reading at home and produced some fantasic book reviews. 

Keep up the good work. 


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10 May 2017

Class Novel Gets 5 Star Rating!

After finishing this class novel, we have awarded Holes by Louis Sachar, 5 stars! We all LOVED it!

As a treat for working so hard this week in their SATs, the children will be able to watch Disney's version of Holes to compare the book with the film. 


Here are some of the comments…

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9 May 2017


Image result for clocks

This week in Year 5 we have been learning about time.  It would be great if you could support this at home.  

The children need to be able to convert between 12 and 24 hour time.  They also need to be able to solve problems that involve converting between different units of…

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9 May 2017

Studying the UK.


Today in Geography we went outside to discuss the geography of the UK.

We talked about using a compass and which cities and places are in the north, east, south and west of the UK.

We then made the playground into an enormous map, using atlases to…

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5 May 2017

Year 3 Shadows Investigation


In Year 3 we have been making the most of the beautiful sunshine and have been involved in some science work outdoors. Part of the Year 3 Science curriculum is to understand why shadows change shape and position. At 9.30 this morning we went out and drew around our shadows. We have been…

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4 May 2017

Year 6 SATs

Next week our Year 6 children will be completing their SATs.

They have all worked very hard to prepare for them and | am extremely proud of them all.

All we ever want our pupils at Gillibrand to do is their very best and I know they all will.


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3 May 2017

SATs Week

Year 6 Homework

Friday 5th May 

We are now in the last few days before SATs and it is vital that you use your time this weekend wisely. This is your homework for this weekend. Please complete as many of these activities as possible.

  • Ride your bike/scooter
  • Read a book
  • Watch your…
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2 May 2017

Spring has Sprung!

In Reception class this week we have been looking at growth and change. We went for a walk all around the school grounds to look for signs that Spring is here. We found buds and blossom on trees, flowers, birds, and lots of insects. We also used the litter pickers to make sure our school grounds…

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2 May 2017

Studying the UK!


On Friday,in geography, we studied the UK.

In teams we identified capital cities, rivers and mountains using atlases.

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27 April 2017

Year 1 Changes in the Seasons

As part of our curriculum, we learn about seasonal change.  Here we are looking at how plants and trees are changing now that we are well into the season of SPRING.





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