19 January 2018

The Ancient Maya

In Year 3 this week we have started our new topic; The Ancient Maya. All the children are excited to find out about how the Maya lived and producing some fantastic work about them!

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19 January 2018

Hanukkah in Year Two

This half term Year Two are looking at the Jewish religion, imparticular the festival of light: Hanukkah. The children watched the story and then acted out the fight between King Antiochus and the Maccabee brothers. All the children enjoyed acting out the story and used their knowledge the next…

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19 January 2018

Reception Class make bird feeders


This week we have been thinking further about weather and in particular the wintery weather we are experiencing at the moment. We have been talking about the animals and plants living around our school. We decided it might be quite difficult for birds to find food at this time of year. 


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18 January 2018

Ancient Maya








Image result for the maya


This week Year Five have started their new history topic.  They are going to be learning all about the Ancient Maya. 

All the children are enthusiastic about this new topic and excited to learn lots of new…

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16 January 2018

All about teeth.

Our current topic in Science is: Animals including Humans.

Today the children were set a modelling teeth challenge.  The children worked in small groups. They were given different tools to represent the jobs of different teeth. They had tweezers, scissors, forks and plastic building bricks. The…

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12 January 2018

Be Kind!

It's been a great start to the new term and all the children have been working hard. Please look at the class blogs for pictures and information.

 I talked to the children this morning in assembly about kindness and doing good deeds for other people to make them feel happy. We all sang along to…

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12 January 2018

Reception Class are top attenders!

Reception Class were the top attending class during the second half-term of the year.

Well done everyone!

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12 January 2018

Whatever the weather!

We have had a fabulous start to 2018 in Reception Class. The children were very excited to be back at school and have enjoyed getting back in to the swing of things. 

Our new topic this half-term is The Weather. We kick-started our new topic with the story of Noah's Ark this week.


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12 January 2018

Force and Magnets!

Today in Willow Class, the children started their new science topic; Forces and Magnets. Children investigated how things move on different surfaces and learned about the forces; pull, push and friction.


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12 January 2018

Bird feeders in Year 5

As the weather has become colder, Year 5 have made bird feeders to help our feathered friends. 

They mixed the ingredients together then placed them around the school grounds.  We look forward to seeing the different birds that might visits for a feast!


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12 January 2018

A great start to 2018.

What a great start we have had to 2018 in year 4. 

This week the children have been up to lots of exciting things to start the new year off. 

This week we have had a book focus on 'Intergalactic Ed and the Space Pirates'. The children have completed some non-fiction work on this and also art…

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11 January 2018

Creating DNA models

Today we have started our new science topic of evolution and inheritance. We started the topic by learning about DNA. The children were very interested in this and came up with lots of facts. We then learnt about scientific studies of DNA and created our own helix models using midget gems. And the…

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