24 September 2018

Amazing Artists


Over the last few weeks in Year 5, we have been busy exploring how to make different natural shades.  Inspired by Georges Seurat, we have focused on shades of blue and green, ready for our water reflection paintings that will feature in our Outdoor Art Exhibition. We are looking forward…

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14 September 2018

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


It has been a busy two weeks in Year 5.  All the children have settled in well and have enjoyed learning about the famous french artist Georges Seurat.  Today they worked hard to write a biography on Georges Seurat using their new knowledge of relative…

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13 July 2018

Music afternoon

On Tuesday we had our music afternoon in Year 4. 

Thank you to all the parents who came to watch the children. They sang their hearts out and performed their instruments so well. 

Well done Year 4. 

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6 July 2018

What's Been Going on in Year 4?

We have had a busy couple of weeks in Year 4. Here are a mixture of things we have been up to over the past couple of weeks. 

We have had a virtual competition in P.E. In geography we have been completing field work and mapping skills linked to the walks in the community we went on. We have…

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22 June 2018

Living Things and Habitat Treasure Hunt.

In our Science lesson yesterday, the children became science investigators and explored our school ground for living things. These are some of the things the children looked for:

  • A blade of grass measuring 2cm long or longer
  • A feather
  • Something green
  • Something yellow
  • Something…
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15 June 2018

Science in Year 4

This week, we have started our new topic in Science called 'Living Things and their Habitats'. 

To start our topic, we did a worm charming activity to find as many worms as we could. Well done to the winning team who found four worms. 

Next week, we will be looking at different habitats…

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23 May 2018

Copper Woods Walk

Last week, Year 4 made the most of the weather and went on our second walk in the community to Copper Woods. This was a very different walk from the one we did last week. 

The children really enjoyed this walk, they liked experiencing the natural environent and looking for physical features in…

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11 May 2018

Walking morning - Comparing areas in Chorley.

WWBBA: Fieldwork - Mapping

S.C: I can use fieldwork to observe and record the human and physical features in the local area. 

I can record geographical information using a range of methods including, sketch maps, plans and digital technology. 

Yesterday, Silver Birch Class went on a walk…

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4 May 2018

RE and DT in year 4

Our RE topic in year 4 at the moment is Hinduism.  

We linked DT and RE together by practising textiling techniques, and have learnt how to complete a cross sticth and a running stitch. 

We then created a Rangoli pattern using the techniques, which is used in the Hindu faith. 

Have a look…

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25 April 2018

Geography - Chorley and the local area.

WWBBA: Mapping

S.C: I can record geographical information using a range of methods including sketch maps, plans, graphs and digital technologies.  

Our new topic in Geography this term is about the local area and Chorley (local, town centre, Rivington, Yarrow Valley etc). We will be looking…

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25 April 2018

Perimeter of a rectilinear shape - year 4 - 2018

WWBBA: Measures

S.C: I can measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure, including  squares, in cm and m.

This week in maths we have had a focus on measures and perimeter. 

The children went onto the playground and with their partner they had to draw a rectilinear figure in…

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20 April 2018

DT- Textiles

WWBBA: Textiles

S.C: I can understand a need for seam allowance. 

This week in Silver Birch Class we have been involved in some DT work, with the focus on looking at a line stitch/running stitch. Using wool, needles and material we praticed this skill.

Well done to Amy. She tried so hard…

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