18 July 2018

Key Stage Two Outdoor Day

Key Stage Two all took part in an outdoor fun day today. The children loved it and completed a range of outdoor activities such as: gardening, den building, obstacle courses and we even had a climbing wall come to school. The pupils were fantastic and all staff have loved doing these activities…

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10 July 2018

Magistrates Court Trip

Today Year 6 went for a tour around Chorley Magistrates Court. We then acted out a court case with children acting out different parts for the defendant, witnesses, magistrates and the legal advisor. We had to listen to many different people before our magistrates decided on the fate of our…

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9 July 2018

Year 6 Music Afternoon

Well done to all the Year 6 pupils who took part in the music afternoon. It was lovely to hear what you have been learning in your music lessons. Some great songs learnt to play on the guitar and sing. You all showed such enthusiasm. Well done! I heard lots of the parents humming and singing along…

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6 July 2018

World Cup Pop Art

Mrs Sandham has had fun creating some World Cup Pop Art with Year 6 using watercolour and acrylic paints.

They look fantastic! Let's hope the artwork helps cheer on the remaining countries in the world cup. 

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22 June 2018

And the rehearsals start...

This week, year 5 and year 6 have started rehearsing for our end of year play. This year we will be performing 'Shakespeare Rocks' which is a comedy about William Shakespeare set in the Elizabethan era. A letter will be coming out soon for parents to purchase tickets so watch this…

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14 June 2018

Bring On The World Cup!!!

Today, we started our new topic on the World Cup. Each child has picked a team to support throughout the sporting event and we have located all 32 countries competing using an atlas.  The children were given the task to research the World Cup and with some fantastic prelearning facts and…

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12 June 2018

World Cup 2018 Topic

Year 6 Preview Homework

World Cup 2018

In Year Six, over the next few weeks our topic will be the 2018 World Cup. During this topic we will be learning about the history of the World Cup, the logistics of how the competition is organised, reading fictional football stories, looking at…

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18 May 2018

Post SATs Fun!!!

A huge well done to all our amazing Year 6 children! You made us very proud this week giving your absolute all in the tests but now they are over, let's have some fun!

We've completed an orienteering course, celebrated the royal wedding, watched the Reception class wedding and had a…

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18 May 2018

Welcome to our new Gillibrand residents

Nesting Birds

A family of blue tits have moved into our nesting boxes. Look out on the infant yard for the mother bringing food for her little ones. A big thank you to the children who made these last year. Let's hope that next year we have even more birds using them!

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11 May 2018

To our amazing Year sixes

To our amazing Year Sixes,

Over the past few weeks (okay, possibly months), you have put a lot of effort into preparation for your SATs. You will nail them! We know you will.

At the moment, you’ve been doing lots of English and Maths, but we all know that you’ve all got lots of other skills.…

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20 April 2018

French in Year 6

Friday afternoon became French afternoon for Year 6 this week. Mrs O'Hanlon loved speaking to the pupils in French this afternoon and wanted to say "Well done on being so brave and having a go!" 

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13 April 2018

Welcome Back To School!

Welcome back to all the Year 6 pupils. I hope you have all had an enjoyable Easter Break and are ready to start the final term. We have a lot to do this term but also an awful lot to look forward to. 

Let's enjoy our last term! 

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