Year 3 & 4 River Walk
Year 3 & 4 conducted a geography walk to the River Yarrow with the Ribble Rivers Trust.
Year 2 South Pole Parent Workshop
Year 2 welcomed parents for an amazing workshop all about the race to the South Pole.
Year 3 Superhero Dance
Year 3 have been learning a ‘superhero’ themed dance this half-term.
Reception e-safety afternoon
A massive thanks to all the parents for coming to our e-safety event.
Year 3 DT Woodwork
Year 3 learned how to use a hacksaw when cutting wood for their DT project.
Safer Internet Day 2024
Today the children took part in Safer Internet Day with the theme of ‘making a difference’.
Year 3 & 4 Mosque visit
Year 3 and 4 went on a trip to Chorley Mosque linked to their R.E work whilst developing thier understand British Values of mutual respect and tolerance of other faiths and beliefs.
Cross Country Club
Some members of KS2 have been taking part in Cross Country Club to develop their passions and interests whilst developing a healthy lifestyle.
Gillibrand Seasons Journalism Club
Find out more about our new newspaper produced by the pupils, for the pupils.