Fun learning in Y1! We have been finding and identifying halves of amounts, in Maths.
In Y1 we have had lots of fun inside and outside of the classroom, this week, finding out all about halves of amounts!
Year 3 and 4 Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Selected Year 3 and 4 pupils were chosen to take part in Outdoor Adventurous Activities linked to team building.
Chorley FC football training
We have had the privilege of having players and staff visiting our school from Chorley Football Club to deliver high quality coaching and training sessions to our children.
KS2 Lunchtime Zones
This term has seen our lunchtime zones being adapted. Each child in KS2 gets to chose from a selection of fun activities each lunchtime. These activities include drawing, board games, construction, the outdoor gym, cross country running, cricket, rounders and football.
Music lesson with Mrs Jones
Some children enjoyed a small group music lesson with Mrs Jones today.
Rock Kidz 2024
What a great day to start our week off with a visit from the Rock Kidz promoting kindness!
Our special visitors came to our after school club
Our chicks made a special visit to after school club this evening! Children showed their caring nature as they handled them gentl and enjoyed making observations and talking about them. Click here to see more photos.
Scarf - All about us.
Harold the giraffe and Katy came to school to support our learning in PSHE.
Year 2 baby visit science lesson!
Year 2 have had a visit from a baby as part of their science learning!