What a fantastic book week! Starting with the book fair, lots of children bought wonderful texts and in turn raised funds for school. Then, we had an author visit. The author, Damian, did a great assembly and workshops in all classes, he definitely inspired children to aspire to follow their dreams and become an author themselves. On Tuesday we launched our readathon. We are raising money to create a beautiful reading garden, as a lasting memorial for Mrs Clayton. Children have been challenged to read every day for 21 days and raise money in the process. Please follow https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/gillibrand-primary if you would like to donate.
On Wednesday we open our very own reading cafe; Starbooks! We were overwhelmed by the number of parents who came and it was fantastic to have the hall full of people enjoying books together. Thursday was World Book Day! Children came in their pyjamas and enjoyed a bedtime story with their teachers and a biscuit too, children completed activities in class to remember the day. As it has been ‘world’ book week, we have been reading stories and tales from different cultures around the world, and celebrating the diverse school community we have. We have been reading Polish stories, Pakistani tales and had Mubeen from Chorley Mosque visit to read an Islamic story too. Finally, we had a book sale of second hand books, and priced at just 20p lots of children picked up a bargain book to enjoy at home. It has been a great week and one that Mrs Clayton would be truly proud of. Please have a watch of the VLOG from the week below!