Last half term we focused our assemblies the school values and these were the context in which star of the weeks were awarded. This term in assemblies we will be focusing on British Values. At Gillibrand we are active in ensuring fundamental British values are instilled in the curriculum we provide. We therefore will be focusing on different elements of British Values in our spring term assemblies.
These include:
To understand how they can influence decision making through a democratic process.
The Rule of Law
To appreciate that living under the rule of law protects us and is essential for our wellbeing and safety.
Individual Liberty
To understand that the freedom to choose is protected in law.
Mutual Respect
To understand that while people may hold different views, we may show respect towards them.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
To accept that others have different faiths or beliefs (or none) and these should be accepted and tolerated.
The teaching and learning of British Values will link to our learning in PSHE, weaved into our work on our school vision and values and will also be the focus of our star of the week awards.