![Image of A great start to the new school year!](https://files.schudio.com/gillibrand/images/news/welcome-back.png)
We are so glad to see all our amazing children back in school and enjoying learning and being back with their friends and teachers! The children have settled in to their new classes really well. It is great to see their positive attitudes towards school again . It has been equally as lovely to see 20 of our new reception starters enjoying their first days at Gillibrand. We will share photos of them all next week! We would also like to welcome our new KS2 leader and Year 6 class teacher, Miss Kenyon who has also settled well into the Gillibrand team.
This morning Y1 to Y6 and all the staff took part in a whole school virtual assembly using Microsoft teams and it was lovely to see everyone on screen together. Not quite the same as meeting in the hall, but still something that was enjoyed by all children.
This half-term the children are enjoying many aspects of outdoor learning whilst developing their understanding of feelings and emotions through our whole school well-being topic of ‘Living Together, Learning Together’. We have lots of exciting things planned for this half term including our local Geography fieldwork, a poetry recital afternoon and parent celebration videos. Make sure you keep an eye out on our school Twitter page as well as the class Twitter pages, Class Dojo and our website for further details of these exciting events.